1. Onlinesymposium des Fachverbandes Medienabhängigkeit e.V.
Developing Internet Safety
for Communities Situation in UAE and India
Mohamed Mustafa Saidalavi,
Founder & CEO, DISC Foundation
DISC is a Child Online Protection NGO with operations in India and UAE. India is the fastest-growing online population, with youth being early ITC adopters. Media addiction is reported among youth leading to Psycho-social issues. Our Cyber Values component aims to empower children to excel in a digital landscape.
Digitale Junkies. Kollektive Dimensionen der Medienabhängigkeit
Crossover - Sicher in ein suchtfreies Leben
M.Sc. Suchttherapie (IPP) Christian Groß
Medienabhängigkeit im Land der aufgehenden Sonne
Dipl.-Soz.Päd. (BA) & Sozialtherapeut Sucht (PiM) André Dobrig
Internet Addiction and Life Satisfaction of 31 Nations. A Multinational Analysis
Developing Internet Safety for Communities Situation in UAE and India
Mohamed Mustafa Saidalavi, Founder & CEO, Disc Foundation
ICT Kids Online Brazil Findings on Children and Intensive Internet Use
Systemische Interventionen bei Internetabhängigkeit
Fachverband plant Forschung "Digitale Plattform & Prävention"
Dipl.-Soz.Arb., syst. Therapeut Andreas Gohlke
Vorstellung der Position der Kinderkommission des Deutschen Bundestags
HP.-Psych./Personal Coach CM Michael Knothe
Michael Dreier & Michael Knothe
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